Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

We recognise that the most important aspect of our work is to support local communities with the best menstrual hygiene solution for them.  In refugee camps where there is little to no privacy, washable solutions are not the right answer, hence our development of disposable pads.  Where we can, we promote sustainable solutions such as manufacturing washable period pads in our Jordanian factory.  In the city where there is more privacy and access to running water washable pads are acceptable. 

We are acutely aware that disposable period pads are not a long-term, sustainable solution.  With this at forefront of our mind, we are working with our suppliers to develop biodegradable pads and are currently undergoing a costing exercise to produce an environmentally positive pad. However, we have to balance this with the three-fold increase in costs. This is a key development area for us and one for which we need longer-term funding.


Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth